Create theoretical data, will overwrite the experimental data if applied to NMReDATA file. Create an empty inputtable for Cocon, so that you can enter the data you have.
Start Cocon with the inputfile generated form the table, using atomtypes if provided. Start Cocon with the inputfile generated form the table, ignoring all atomtypes provided. Download the Cocon inputfile generated form the table.
Your eMail serves to identify your Job and for us to get in touch with you, should we identify a problem.
You might include a DOI with your job.
Allowed number of 4J correlation in the HMBC data: Maximum number of 4J correlations allowed in the data, the default 0 means none, -1 means all correlations can be long range.
You are visualizing the results of a WebCocon run that generated results. Via this drop-down-menu you can select a molecule of the results set and see how the correlations map onto it.Correlations to be used: Here you can select which correlations from the table will be used for the job. Indepently of this, all correlations will be saved in the inputfile.